Page 54 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 54

•  Coordinate with the Flint Hills MPO (FHMPO)            ›  Pursue,  in   coordination   with    the
              to expand active transportation options linking           Pottawatomie       County       Economic
              Pottawatomie County and the greater Flint Hills           Development     Corporation,    increasing
              region.                                                   marketing and awareness of the County’s

                  ›  Actively pursue regional trail connections.        natural resources to increase eco-tourism
                   FHMPO is currently undertaking a Regional            and active recreation. Linking the existing
                   Trail Connection Plan (see Map 5 below)              recreation areas within the County and
                   with the goal of identifying potential trail         increasing awareness (through wayfinding/
                   connections to link key assets and cities in         signage and publicity) could not only provide
                   the region.  The initial regional connections        increased opportunities for active, healthy
                   map identifies several potential regional            lifestyles for County residents, but also draw
                   trail connections in Pottawatomie County,            tourists who would like to experience the
                   including a trail on the previously identified       natural beauty of the county.
                   Wam-Sag-Man trail alignment (with a
                   connection into Blue Township) as well as
                   trails by Tuttle Creek State Park.

            Map 5, FHMPO Regional Trail Connection Plan

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           Adopted - August 19, 2019                      The Future County    3  | Transportation and Mobility  |  47
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