Page 19 - State College, PA Design Guidelines
P. 19
• 06.28.2018
The chart below describes each chapter in the document to assist the user in determining which chapters(s)
may be relevant to the proposed project. This chart also includes a note to the left of each chapter description
indicating whether review is required based on Ordinance 2104, or if the design guidelines are advisory. This chart
should be used in conjunction with the chart on page 12.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the document, describes how the
INFORMATIONAL document is used and who will likely use it and describes the design review
CHAPTER 2: Historic Preservation and Project Planning
This chapter presents an overview of historic preservation principles. It also
provides guidance on how to plan a preservation project and outlines different
treatment categories for historic properties.
CHAPTER 3: Additions
REVIEW REQUIRED (DESIGN GUIDELINES) include the location of the addition and form.
This chapter provides design guidelines for additions to contributing historic
buildings in State College’s locally designated historic districts. Topics covered
CHAPTER 4: Demolition
This chapter discusses considerations for the partial or full demolition of
a contributing historic building in the College Heights or Holmes-Foster/
Highlands Historic Districts. It also provides alternatives to demolition.
CHAPTER 5: New Construction
This chapter provides guidelines for proposed new construction in State
College’s locally designated historic districts. Topics covered include building
placement, mass and scale and building materials.
CHAPTER 6: Treatment of Historic Resources
This chapter provides guidelines for the preservation, rehabilitation and
ADVISORY INFORMATION (DESIGN GUIDELINES) CHAPTER 7: Best Practices for Additions to Historic Buildings
reconstruction of historic properties in State College’s historic districts.
This chapter provides additional guidance for additions that are made to the
side or rear of historic buildings. They maybe used during HARB review, but
only in an advisory capacity.
CHAPTER 8: Best Practices for New Construction
This chapter provides additional guidance for new construction, to add to
Chapter 5. They maybe used during HARB review, but only in an advisory
CHAPTER 9: Appendix
The appendix includes the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for
Rehabilitation and an Architectural Styles Guide.