Page 92 - State College, PA Design Guidelines
P. 92

06.28.2018   •

         USING A CONNECTOR                  Best Practices for Non-Reviewable
         ON A HISTORIC                      Additions
         For more information about how     The following design guidelines are best practices for additions to the rear
         to use a connector to distinguish   half of a historic building, which are not subject to HARB review under the
         an addition from the contributing   preservation ordinance.
         historic building, review page 157 of
         the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards
         for the Treatment of Historic Properties.   7.1   Locate an addition to avoid damaging character-
         To review a hardcopy of the brief, visit      defining features of the historic building.
         the Planning Department.

                                            7.2    Locate a rear addition to maintain the general
                                                   proportions of the rear yard within the historic district

                                            7.3    Design an addition to be minimally visible and to be
                                                   subordinate to the historic building.
                                                   a. Refer to the chart on the following page for appropriate and
                                                     inappropriate examples of how to design an addition to the rear of
                                                     a historic building.

        Design an addition to be minimally visible and
        to be subordinate to the historic building. (Top
        photo - Denver, CO; Bottom photo - Houston, TX)

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