Page 93 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
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Historic Preservation Plan

              PreservationWORKS                                                  FOR MORE

              See description on page 85.                                        INFORMATION:
                                                                                  To learn more about the
              The Benton County Cultural Coalition                                advocacy and partnership
                                                                                  organizations that support
              The Benton County Cultural Coalition was established in 2004 by the   historic preservation in Corvallis,
              Benton County of Commissioners. It strives to create an active cultural   utilize the following links:
              life throughout Benton County with high-quality cultural experiences,
              accessible to everyone. From 2005 to 2016, the BCCC has awarded     PreservationWORKS
              over $131,400 in grants to promote the arts, heritage and humanities
              in Benton County. Its mission is to distribute funds from the Oregon   pg/
              Cultural Trust to non-profit organizations (or individuals who partner   about/?entry_point=page_nav_
              with a fiscal non-profit sponsor) in Benton County, Oregon, thereby   about_item&ref=page_internal
              strengthening art, heritage and humanities programming; to increase
              donations to the Oregon Cultural Trust through public awareness of
              how the Trust operates and benefits the citizens of Benton County;   Benton County Cultural Coalition
              and  to  increase  the  number  of  Benton  County  cultural  non-profits
              registered with the Oregon Cultural Trust.
                                                                                  The Oregon Cultural Trust
              The Oregon Cultural Trust                                 

              The Oregon Cultural Trust, founded in 2001 by the Oregon Legislature,
              is  a  cultural  promotion  and  preservation  organization.  It  is  funded   The National Alliance of
              by the State of Oregon, corporate sponsors and private donations. A   Preservation Commissions
              special series of vehicle license plates also helps fund the Trust. The
              Trust’s mission is to lead Oregon in cultivating, growing and valuing
              culture as an integral part of communities. They do this by inspiring   Restore Oregon
              Oregonians to invest in a permanent fund that provides annual grants
              to  cultural  organizations.  Since  2003,  they  have  made  over  1,000
              grants to cultural organizations across the state, totaling $16 million.
              They also provide extensive support to rural areas and hard-to-reach   Oregon Main Street
              places with the help of more than 400 cultural coalition volunteers.
              The National Alliance of Preservation                               aspx

              The  National  Alliance  of  Preservation  Commissions  (NAPC)  was   Downtown Corvallis Association
              founded in 1983 in response to amendments to the National Historic   http://www.downtowncorvallis.
              Preservation  Act  of  1966.  These  amendments  provided  financial   org/index.php
              assistance to local governments that met requirements of the Certified
              Local  Government  program,  including  the  establishment  of  a  local   Corvallis Benton County Heritage
              preservation ordinance and commission. The NAPC provides a forum    Trees Program
              for commissions to discuss mutual problems and to serve as a national
              voice representing the particular needs of commissions. NAPC provides   index.aspx?page=1958

                                                                                  Visit Corvallis

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