Page 96 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 96

Historic Preservation Plan

                  '■mi                        Visit Corvallis
                                              Visit Corvallis is a destination marketing organization/visitors bureau
                                              for the City of Corvallis and promotes restaurants, hotels and things to
                                     , m      do around Corvallis, including the historic sites and cultural resources
                                              of Corvallis. Visit Corvallis has assisted in the development of many of
                                              the historic neighborhood walking tours in the past and were recently
                                              recognized for their continued support of heritage tourism.

            Van Buren Bridge                  Advocacy and Partnership Issues
                                              Some  of  the  current  issues  associated  with  the  advocacy  and
                                              partnership component of the preservation program were identified
                                              in interviews and workshops and are provided below.

                                                  •   The City partners with a variety of organizations that promote
                                                      preservation and educate the community about the heritage
                                                      of Corvallis; however, these partners do not have a formal
                                                      mechanism to communicate and collaborate on programs.
                                                  •   Many  groups  operate  with  too  little  funding  and  limited
                                                      administration for enhanced programming.
                                                  •   Minimal programs exist which target heritage tourists.
                                                  •   Further partnerships need to be created or enhanced with a
                                                      variety of groups, including:
                                                           x  Small farmers
                                                           x  OSU  –  faculty  and  student  groups,  such  as  History
                                                            Ninjas and the Special Collections and Archives
                                                           x  Tourism, Visit Corvallis, Travel Oregon
                                                           x  Parks and Recreation Department
                                                           x  Local events (ex: PreservationWorks’ Preservation Pub)
                                                           x  Linn-Benton Community College creates preservation
                                                            trades program
                                                           x  Corvallis School District – its teachers and curriculum
                                                           x  Seismic strategies, Cascadia Seismic group
                                                           x  Contractors, developers and architects
                                                           x  Real estate agents
                                                           x  Owens Farm (Parks and Recreation)
                                                           x  Chintimini Senior & Community Center
                                                           x  Active transportation groups, Mid-Valley Bicycle Club
                                                            and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
                                                           x  Corvallis Gazette-Times
                                                           x  Sustainability Coalition
                                                           x  Heritage Farms Program
                                                           x  Local Farmers Organizations
                                                           x  Benton County Natural Areas & Parks Dept.
                                                           x  City  of  Corvallis  Neighborhood  Empowerment  Grant
                                                           x  Corvallis Environmental Center
                                                           x  Benton County HRC, Benton County Museum
                                                           x  Alliance for Recreational and Natural Areas (AFRANA)

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