Page 94 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 94
Historic Preservation Plan
¥ Xi -- y & r % r '' - technical support and manages an information network to help local
-■- commissions accomplish their preservation objectives. Programs
m ; i-r-' V‘ include a biennial FORUM conference and Commission Assistance and
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i, 5SK- Mentoring Program (CAMP®). The NAPC also serves as an advocate at
federal, state and local levels of government to promote policies and
programs that support preservation commission efforts.
Restore Oregon
L.G. Kline, Masonic Lodge and Taylor Restore Oregon, founded in 1977 as the Historic Preservation League
Buildings of Oregon, serves as the statewide voice of preservation and reuse,
addressing issues that threaten communities’ historic fabric such as
zoning, economic incentives or simple lack of awareness. Their goal is
to bring forward issues in a way that advances solutions. They strive
to promote livability, pedestrian scale, authenticity, distinctiveness,
community connectedness, cultural roots, and the sustainability
of adaptive reuse. Their efforts to save Oregon’s Most Endangered
Places are preserving historic structures and the group’s Preservation
Roundtable engages hundreds of people annually, including developers,
planners, government agencies, and property owners to revitalize
Oregon’s historic Main Streets. Restore Oregon is also working to
find solutions for insufficient economic incentives in communities
throughout the state – the number one reason historic buildings are
lost in Oregon.
Oregon Main Street
Oregon Main Street is a Main Street America Coordinating Program.
Oregon Main Street works with communities to develop comprehensive,
incremental revitalization strategies based on a community’s unique
assets, character and heritage. Services are based on the successful
Main Street Approach developed by the National Trust for Historic
Preservation and includes training and technical assistance. The goal is
to build high quality, livable, and sustainable communities that will grow
Oregon’s economy while maintaining a sense of place. Oregon Main
Street provides assistance to all communities no matter where they
are in the process. Currently, there are 78 communities participating in
one of the levels of the Oregon Main Street network.
• Performing Main Street is for those communities who were
previously certified National Main Street cities and those
communities with advanced downtown programs following
the Main Street Approach®. Application rounds are held
as resources permit. Corvallis is a Performing Main Street
community, which is administered by the Downtown Corvallis
Association (DCA).
88 City of Corvallis