Page 115 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 115

Prioritize the research, survey, and designation of sites, buildings,                                                         City of Des Moines,
                                                              events, protests, festivals, places, etc. that focus on stories of Black,                                                       Neighborhood
                                                              Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), members of the Lesbian,                                                              Services; City of Des
                                                              Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ+) community, houseless, and                                                                     Moines,
                                                              immigrants in Des Moines.                                                                                                     Engineering; City of
                                                              Determine a methodology to directly engage citizens in survey work                                                            Des Moines, Parks
                                                              to identify and protect resources – tangible and intangible – that                                               City of Des   and Recreation;
                                                              represent the complete history of Des Moines. This methodology                                     NEAR-TERM      Moines,       State Historic
                                                              should focus on creating a continuous community dialogue where the                                  (0-5 Years)  Development   Preservation Office
                                                              City becomes students of community input.                                                                         Services    (SHPO); Iowa State
                                                              Develop a systemized way of collecting information, emphasizing                                                                University (faculty
                                                              community input, and conducting research on important elements of                                                               and students);
                                                              the city to determine the potential for local designation, recognition,                                                        Drake University;
                                                              and celebration in traditional or non-traditional ways.                                                                       Greater Des Moines
                                                              Partner with the Greater Public Art Foundation and others to evaluate                                                             Public Art
                                                              the impact of existing recognition and designations.                                                                             Foundation

                                                              Develop and maintain an online tracking tool to provide a visual
                                                              representation of the stypes of stories, histories, and resources that
                                                              have been highlighted through the survey and designation process.*
                                                      Education and Outreach
                                                              Update existing components of the City’s website and consider
                                                         N6   creating new components to more accurately reflect historic
                                                              preservation-related information.
                                                              Create a designated landing page for the historic preservation
                                                              program, which should include information about the HPC, designated
                                                              historic resources, design review, funding sources, technical
                                                              assistance, etc.                                                                                                              City of Des Moines,
                                                              Clearly identify existing funding opportunities on the City’s webpage,                                                          Neighborhood
                                                              providing links to other City webpages or external websites as needed.                                                        Services; City of Des
                                                              Maintain an internal spreadsheet of funding sources (with detail such                                            City of Des     Moines, City
                                                              as the website, amount, funding cycle, and if a local match is                                     NEAR-TERM      Moines,      Manager's Office;
                                                              required) to utilize to update this webpage.                                                        (0-5 Years)  Development   City of Des Moines,
                                                              Determine other City webpages that can be linked back to this historic                                            Services     Communications
                                                              preservation program landing page.                                                                                             Office; City of Des
                                                              Update existing webpages with historic preservation-related                                                                       Moines,
                                                              information.                                                                                                                     Information
                                                              Update the Show Me My House webpage’s Zoning Category to more                                                                   Technology (IT)
                                                              easily identify if a property is designated as a historic structure or part
                                                              of a historic district.
                                                              Update the Find Neighborhoods tool to more quickly and easily alert a
                                                              property owner if their property is in a historic district.
                                                              Include historic preservation maps in the Map Center webpage.
                                                              Develop an educational strategy and public information campaign
                                                         N7   accessible to all that informs the community about the historic
                                                              preservation program.
                                                              Design educational materials to be accessible and available to people                                                         City of Des Moines,
                                                              of all ages and backgrounds by providing them in multiple formats                                                               Neighborhood
                                                              (digital and print), in multiple languages, and without the use of                                                            Services; City of Des
                                                              jargon and "legalese".                                                                                           City of Des      Moines,
                                                              Utilize a variety of outreach methods, including connecting with                                                  Moines,        Information

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