Page 117 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 117

existing networks and organizations throughout the community, in                                   NEAR-TERM    Development   Technology (IT); City
                       the public information campaign to reach people of all ages and                                    (0-5 Years)  Services; City of   of Des Moines, City
                       backgrounds.*                                                                                                   Des Moines,      Manager;
                       Commit Development Services staff time to supporting the creation of                                           Communications   Neighborhood
                       a public information campaign to clearly define the role and purposes                                              Office     Associations; Des
                       of the program.                                                                                                                 Moines Public
                       Determine a means to assist community members with historic                                                                    School District;
                       preservation questions where English is not their first language and                                                          Faith Community
                       translated materials have not been provided on the webpage.
                       Ensure the materials include regular updates on the progress of the
                       implementation of this Plan.*
                       Maintain a set of Certificate of Appropriateness informational tools
                 M2    to ensure consistent application review and inform potential
                       applicants of the expectations for approval.                                                                                  City of Des Moines,
                       Update the internal database of COA application projects. For each                                                             Neighborhood
                       application, this database should include location, link to designation                                                      Services; City of Des
                       information, key topics, relevant design guidelines, staff                                                       City of Des      Moines,
                       recommendations, HPC discussion points, and HPC decisions to use as                               MID-TERM (5-    Moines,       Information
                       a means to maintain consistency between decisions of projects of a                                  10 Years)   Development   Technology (IT); City
                       similar nature.*                                                                                                  Services
                                                                                                                                                      of Des Moines,
                       After updating the internal COA database, publish a simplified version                                                             Office
                       to the Historic Preservation webpage for potential applicants to use
                       as a resource. Incorporate a mapping component and dashboard in a
                       format similar to the Blitz on Blight webpage.*

                 M5    Highlight the role of historic preservation in promoting missing
                       middle housing in the city's established neighborhoods.                                                                       City of Des Moines,
                       Encourage local developers to renovate or adaptively reuse existing                                                            Neighborhood
                       and potentially historic structures as housing by offering tax credits                                           City of Des    Services; Iowa
                       and other financial incentives.                                                                   MID-TERM (5-    Moines,       chapter of the
                       Provide visual examples of context-sensitive and appropriate missing                                10 Years)   Development   American Institute
                       middle housing that meet the City's Code, preferably completed by                                                 Services    of Architects; Local
                       local developers.                                                                                                            chapter of American
                                                                                                                                                     Society of Interior
                       Develop a pattern book for Accessory Household Units (AHUs) to                                                                 Designers (ASID)
                       provide examples for different neighborhoods and lot types that
                       respond to the context of each historic district.
                       Develop and utilize a robust social media campaign to highlight the
                       work of the historic preservation program.
                       Use this tool to showcase unique stories from the community, historic                                            City of Des   City of Des Moines,
                       facts and photos, interviews, funding opportunities and cycles, special                           MID-TERM (5-    Moines,       Development
                       events, and opportunities to get involved.*                                                         10 Years)  Communications     Services
                       Consider special opportunities to highlight the historic preservation                                              Office
                       program through social media platforms, including Preservation
                       Month each May.*
                       Develop and host a range of outreach programs to increase
                 L1    community awareness of the historic preservation program, provide
                       technical assistance, and enhance partnerships.
                       Partner with community stakeholders to develop a walking tour
                       program that highlights numerous histories of Des Moines:
                       Geographically spread tours throughout the city and highlight stories
                       from different communities, cultures, and backgrounds.

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