Page 157 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 157
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Opportunities and Challenges to Effective Plan
Plan implementation will not occur in a static
environment nor in a vacuum. The world will continue to
turn, unexpected events and shifting trends will unfold, “A goal without a plan
and Plan strategies will need to be pursued – and is just a wish.”
sometimes rethought and recalibrated almost “on the Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
fly” – amid a highly dynamic environment. An essential
element in carrying out a plan is to continually assess
risks and consider pivots that may become necessary to
sustain progress and keep working toward desired
outcomes. As a starting point, below are potential
opportunities to capitalize on and possible challenges to
anticipate and overcome even before Plan adoption
Implementation Opportunities
The capacity for local government in Grenada
County to do more than in the past as increasing
public revenue is generated by a growing
population and area economy.
Should Mississippi continue to lose population statewide, the increased attention Grenada County
will – and should – gain as an emerging new growth center in the state that is deserving of greater
state-level support to keep the ball rolling.
The expectations – and fresh energy – that those relocating to Grenada County for work and next
stages in life will bring to their new community.
The momentum that a new Plan will bring to help focus and prioritize local government actions,
backed by a constituency of support built through a community-based planning process.
The sense of hope, satisfaction and renewed urgency that can follow from early Plan
implementation successes and meaningful outcomes attained by “working the Plan.”
Grenada County, MS 21