Page 158 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 158

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

               Implementation Challenges

                   Fear of change – although change will
                    happen  regardless  of  whether  one           “Plans are only good intentions
                    takes  the  initiative  to  shape  and             unless they immediately
                    direct  it  toward  preferred  outcomes         degenerate into hard work.”
                    through  a  rational,  data-driven  Plan
                    and strategies.                                Management guru Peter Drucker
                   The  risk  of  feeling  overwhelmed  by
                    an  ambitious  Action  Agenda  in  this
                    Plan, leading to indecision or inaction
                    rather than a systematic approach to
                    purposeful and organized action.
                   Potential  community  opposition  to
                    certain initiatives in the Plan that do
                    not  offer  obvious  or  immediate
                    “payback”  but  are  in  Grenada
                    County’s long-term best interest.
                   Lack  of  commitment  and/or  tangible  steps  by  local  elected  officials  to  follow  through  on  their
                    unique responsibilities under this Plan. [As noted in the Grenada County Today Report, this is a core
                    concern  heard  from  many voices within  the  community  given  their  experience  when  it  comes  to
                    relying on the cooperation and responsiveness of City of Grenada leaders.]
                   Failure to uphold the guidance in this Plan that calls for annual progress reporting and periodic Plan
                    evaluations and updates, to ensure the Plan remains a fresh and vital decision-making tool for the
                    entire community – not just for local government leaders and staff.

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