Page 155 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 155

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

            Ongoing Community Outreach and Engagement

            All review processes and updates related to this Grenada County 2040 Plan should emphasize and incorporate
            ongoing  public  input.  The  annual  and
            continual  plan  evaluation  and  reporting
            processes  should  also  incorporate  specific
            performance  measures  and  quantitative
            indicators  that  can  be  compiled  and
            communicated  both  internally  and  to
            elected  officials,  residents  and  other  plan
            stakeholders  and  partners  in  a  “report
            card”  fashion.  Examples  of  such  indicators
            might include:

                Acres of new development (plus number of residential units by type, and square footage of commercial
                 and industrial space) approved and constructed in conformance with local development regulations.
                Measures  of  service  capacity  (e.g.,  gallons  of  potable  water  per  day)  added  to  the  area's  utility
                 infrastructure systems – and the number of dollars allocated to fund the necessary capital projects.

                New  and  expanded  businesses,  added  jobs  and  associated  tax  revenue  gains  through  economic
                 development initiatives.
                Lane miles of new or rehabilitated road, plus bicycle, pedestrian, transit and other transportation system
                 improvements that increase mobility options.
                Acres of parkland and preserved public open space added to the area's inventory, utilization measures
                 for new or improved recreation spaces (e.g., park visitation counts), and linear feet of trail developed or
                Indicators of the benefits from redeveloped sites and structures (appraised value, increased tax revenue,
                 new residential units, retail and office spaces in mixed-use settings, etc.).
                The  numbers  of  residents  and  other  stakeholders  engaged  through  ongoing  education  and  outreach
                 events related to Plan implementation, as well as periodic Plan review and updating as outlined in this

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