Page 34 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 34

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                      ACTION               Principles   Initiate      WHO                  Resources
             SAP  PARTNERSHIPS AND        Competitive    Near       Grenada         American Red Cross
             15    COORDINATION             Inclusive    Term      Emergency        Federal Emergency
                   Continue City, County    Unified       (0-3    Management         Management Agency
                   and regional            Complete      years)      Agency         Mississippi Civil Defense /
                   coordination on multi-                 and         -------        Emergency Management
                   jurisdictional hazard                Ongoing    Mississippi       Association
                   mitigation planning,                            Emergency        Mississippi Department of
                   especially as it relates                       Management         Environmental Quality
                   to local eligibility for                          Agency         Mississippi Department of
                   related grant                                    (District 1)     Transportation
                   opportunities through                              -------
                   the Federal Emergency                            Industry        National Weather Service
                   Management Agency                                partners        North Central Planning and
                   (FEMA).                                                           Development District

             SAP  PARTNERSHIPS AND          Thriving      Mid        Greater        Mississippi Board of Trustees
             16    COORDINATION            Appealing     Term       Grenada          of State Institutions of Higher
                   Plan for new or        Competitive     (4-9     Partnership       Learning
                   expanded educational     Inclusive    years)       -------       Mississippi Community
                   facilities in preparation   Unified              Grenada          College Board
                   for growth and to       Complete                  School         Mississippi Department of
                   support Grenada                                   District        Education
                   County’s economic                                  -------       University of Mississippi
                   development needs,                                Holmes
                   exploring potential                             Community
                   joint facility                                    College
                   opportunities between                              -------
                   primary/secondary                              University of
                   education and higher                            Mississippi
                   education that could                              Medical
                   also yield potential                              Center -
                   cost savings and                                 Grenada

             Grenada County, MS                                                                               16
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