Page 37 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 37

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                      ACTION               Principles   Initiate      WHO                  Resources
             SAP  MORE TARGETED             Thriving      Mid        Greater        Colony Park 430-acre mixed-
             19    PLANNING / STUDY        Appealing     Term       Grenada          use development in
                   Explore potential      Competitive     (4-9     Partnership       Ridgeland, MS, including a
                   creation of a Public     Unified      years)       -------        95-acre traditional
                   Improvement District    Complete                 Grenada          neighborhood development
                   for all or some of                                County          component*
                   Grenada County                                     -------       Reunion residential
                   (under Title 19,                                  City of         development with extensive
                   Chapter 31, of the                               Grenada          amenities on 2,100 acres in
                   Mississippi Code) as                                              Madison, MS*
                   another means for
                   financing public
                   facilities and services
                   to accommodate
                   projected growth. This
                   could include water,
                   wastewater, fire
                   prevention and
                   control, and waste
                   collection and disposal
                   (Section 19-31-19). A
                   high level of consensus
                   would be needed,
                   including approval
                   from the County
                   governing body, any
                   municipality whose
                   corporate limits
                   includes any portion of
                   the proposed district,
                   and from all
                   landowners in the
                   proposed district by
                   their written consent
                   (Section 19-31-7).


             Grenada County, MS                                                                               19
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