Page 38 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 38

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

            Population Outlook for Grenada County

            Population projections are an important component of a long-range planning process. They help determine and
            quantify the demands that will be placed on public facilities and services based on the potential pace and scale
            of the community’s physical growth. Projections reflect local, regional, national and international trends and
            offer a basis to prepare for the future. However, forecasting population changes can be challenging, particularly
            for the long term, because it is often difficult to account for all circumstances that may arise. Therefore, it will be
            important  for  the  Partnership  to  monitor  population  and  economic  growth  continually  to  account  for  both
            short- and longer-term shifts that can influence development activity and trends in the community and larger

            Alternative Growth Scenarios

            Demographers caution that population projections become trickier as the geographic area gets smaller, making
            city-  and  county-level  populations  the  most  difficult  to  forecast.  This  is  because  local  population  change  is
            strongly influenced by less predictable factors such as housing prices and options, availability of vacant land to
            develop  and  results  from  economic  development  efforts.  Adding  to  the  forecasting  challenge  in  Grenada
            County, as in any community that has seen minimal growth or even some population loss in recent years, is the
            lack of a clear trend to which traditional projection methods may be applied.

            Given  this  context,  the  chart  in  this  section  provides  a  comparison  of  several  potential  scenarios  for  future
            population  change  in  Grenada  County.  The  projections  build  on  the  recently  released  Census  2020  figure  of
            21,629 for Grenada County and identify potential population levels in five-year increments out to 2040.

            Projections Based on Varying Quantities and Rates of Growth

            A common population projection method is to extend historical trends to future years. Linear growth forecasts
            are  “straight  line”  projections  that  result  in  the  same  absolute  number  of  new  persons  being  added  to  the
            population  in  each  period.  Due  to  Grenada  County’s  population  trend  being  negative  (i.e.,  population  loss
            experienced  over  the  past  20  years),  the  Linear  Growth  forecast  for  Grenada  County  actually  results  in  a
            decrease  in  population  in  each  period.  This  also  produces  an  increasing  rate  of  loss  over  time  as  the  same
            amount is being subtracted from an ever-shrinking base (in the case of Grenada County, losing 277 residents per

            Exponential growth projections produce higher numbers than linear because the numerical change gets larger in
            each  period  while  the  rate  of  growth  stays  constant.  This  is  similar  to  the  power  of  compound  growth  in  a
            savings account; the interest (i.e., growth) rate may not change, but it is being applied to an ever-expanding
            balance, resulting in larger and larger interest earnings over time. In the case of Grenada County, where the
            population base has been shrinking, the Exponential Growth scenario results in just 10 more residents by 2040
            than the Linear Growth scenario. And because Grenada County has continued to lose population over the past
            20 years, these two forecast methods that build upon past trends both generate future projections resulting in
            ongoing population decline.

             Grenada County, MS                                                                               20
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