Page 36 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 36

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                      ACTION               Principles   Initiate      WHO                  Resources
             SAP  MORE TARGETED             Thriving      Mid       Grenada         Delta Regional Authority
             18    PLANNING / STUDY        Appealing     Term        County         Insurance Services Office (ISO
                   Budget for a series of   Competitive   (4-9        -------        ratings for community fire
                   essential master plans   Unified      years)      City of         services)
                   that account for        Complete                 Grenada         Mississippi Association of
                   projected growth in                                               Chiefs of Police
                   Grenada County to                                                Mississippi Department of
                   guide longer-term                                                 Environmental Quality
                   capital improvements                                             Mississippi Department of
                   programming, public                                               Public Safety
                   services planning and
                   future annual                                                    Mississippi Development
                   budgeting (including                                              Authority (Community
                   for forecasted staffing                                           Development Block Grants)
                   needs), including: (a) a                                         Mississippi Development
                   Water/Wastewater                                                  Bank (local government bond
                   Master Plan; (b) a                                                financing)
                   Public Safety Master                                             Mississippi Fire Chiefs
                   Plan for police and fire                                          Association
                   services and facilities;                                         Mississippi Law Enforcement
                   and (c) a Public                                                  Accreditation Association
                   Facilities Master Plan                                           Mississippi Office of
                   based on forecasted                                               Homeland Security
                   space needs for all                                              Mississippi Sheriffs’
                   local government                                                  Association
                   functions. Ideally,                                              Mississippi State Fire
                   these planning efforts                                            Academy (accreditation)
                   should be conducted                                              North Central Planning and
                   jointly between City                                              Development District
                   and County to ensure
                   coordinated needs
                   assessments county-
                   wide and explore
                   potential joint
                   investments in some

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