Page 78 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 78

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                          ACTION                   Principles   Initiate     WHO                  Resources
             SAP  PARTNERSHIPS AND                 Appealing     Near       City of        Mississippi Department of
             15    COORDINATION                   Competitive    Term      Grenada          Transportation,
                   Apply for Transportation         Inclusive     (0-3       -------        Transportation Alternatives
                   Alternatives funding, and any    Unified      years)    Grenada          Projects*, and Local Technical
                   similar subsequent              Complete       and       County          Assistance Program*
                   programs/funding in future                   Ongoing                    Area bicycle/pedestrian
                   years, available through the                                             advocates
                   Mississippi Department of
                   Transportation for a range of
                   activities beyond traditional
                   roadway improvements. Also
                   take advantage of MDOT’s
                   Local Technical Assistance
                   Program for local governments.

             SAP  PARTNERSHIPS AND                  Thriving     Near       City of        Mississippi Department of
             16    COORDINATION                    Appealing     Term      Grenada          Transportation Multi-Modal
                   Apply for Multi-Modal          Competitive     (0-3       -------        Transportation Improvement
                   Transportation Improvement       Inclusive    years)    Grenada          Program*
                   funding available through the    Unified       and       County
                   Mississippi Department of       Complete     Ongoing
                   Transportation for projects
                   involving airports, ports and
                   waterways, public transit and

             SAP  PARTNERSHIPS AND                 Appealing     Near       City of        Mississippi Department of
             17    COORDINATION                     Unified      Term      Grenada          Transportation
                   Partner with the Mississippi                   (0-3       -------
                   Department of Transportation                  years)    Grenada
                   on intersection signalization                  and       County
                   improvements, when and                       Ongoing
                   where warranted, that can
                   provide interim congestion
                   relief at minimal cost such as
                   through simple signal timing

             Grenada County, MS                                                                               12
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