Page 73 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 73

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                          ACTION                   Principles   Initiate     WHO                  Resources
             SAP  CAPITAL INVESTMENTS              Appealing     Near       City of        Delta Regional Authority
             3     Continue to conduct            Competitive    Term      Grenada         Mississippi Department of
                   preventative maintenance on      Inclusive     (0-3       -------        Transportation
                   streets and sidewalks and       Complete      years)    Grenada         Mississippi Development
                   schedule targeted                              and       County          Authority (Community
                   reconstruction in locations with             Ongoing                     Development Block Grants)
                   deteriorated conditions.
                                                                                           Mississippi Development
                                                                                            Bank (local government bond
                                                                                           North Central Planning and
                                                                                            Development District

             SAP  CAPITAL INVESTMENTS              Appealing     Near       City of        Safe Routes to Schools
             4     Pursue Safe Routes to School     Inclusive    Term      Grenada          Program, grant funding and
                   grant funding through the        Unified       (0-3       -------        resources through the
                   Mississippi Department of       Complete      years)    Grenada          Mississippi Department of
                   Transportation to implement                    and       School          Transportation*, plus a
                   safety upgrades on and around                Ongoing     District        related program and
                   school campuses, requiring just                                          resources through the
                   a 20% local match for 80%                                                Mississippi State Department
                   grant funding.                                                           of Health*
                                                                                           Bike Walk Mississippi*


             SAP  CAPITAL INVESTMENTS              Appealing     Near       City of        Area utility providers
             5     Follow a “dig once” policy that   Competitive  Term     Grenada         Mississippi Department of
                   aims to synchronize              Unified       (0-3       -------        Transportation
                   infrastructure and other utility              years)    Grenada
                   work with road construction                    and       County
                   projects to reduce the cost                  Ongoing
                   burden of digging up streets
                   multiple times. Where and
                   when feasible, also relocate
                   overhead utilities underground
                   for the aesthetic benefit,
                   particularly at important
                   gateway locations.

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