Page 74 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 74

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                          ACTION                   Principles   Initiate     WHO                  Resources
             SAP  PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES          Thriving     Near       Greater        Business community
             6     Provide ongoing support to     Competitive    Term      Grenada         BOSS Lady Workforce
                   area employers who must          Unified       (0-3    Partnership       Transportation Initiative
                   transport some share of their                 years)                     examples focused on the
                   workforce from remote                          and                       Mississippi Delta region
                   locations until more employees               Ongoing                    Delta Regional Authority
                   can be drawn to both live and                                           Mississippi Department of
                   work within Grenada County.                                              Transportation

                                                                                           North Central Planning and
                                                                                            Development District

             SAP  PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES          Thriving     Near       City of        Delta Regional Authority
             7     Prioritize connectivity in the   Appealing    Term      Grenada         Mississippi Department of
                   transportation network during   Competitive    (0-3       -------        Transportation
                   consideration of future          Inclusive    years)    Grenada         Mississippi Development
                   transportation projects,         Unified       and       County          Authority (Community
                   including connectivity          Complete     Ongoing                     Development Block Grants)
                   opportunities highlighted on                                            Mississippi Development
                   the Future Transportation                                                Bank (local government bond
                   Network map in this Plan                                                 financing)
                                                                                           North Central Planning and
                                                                                            Development District
             SAP  PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES         Appealing     Near       City of        Toward Zero Deaths (TZD)
             8     As part of the nationwide        Unified      Term      Grenada          initiative of the Mississippi
                   “Vision Zero” movement, focus   Complete       (0-3       -------        Department of
                   on enhancing safety through                   years)    Grenada          Transportation*
                   measures that help to limit                    and       County
                   serious collisions, injuries and             Ongoing
                   fatalities on area roadways.


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