Page 75 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 75

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                          ACTION                   Principles   Initiate     WHO                  Resources
             SAP  PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES         Appealing      Mid       City of        Delta Regional Authority
             9     In coordination with the area’s   Competitive  Term     Grenada         Grenada Emergency
                   hazard mitigation planning, as   Inclusive     (4-9       -------        Management Agency
                   addressed in the Growth          Unified      years)    Grenada         Mississippi Emergency
                   Capacity section of this Plan,   Complete                County          Management Agency (District
                   emphasize resiliency in future                                           1)
                   transportation network                                                  Mississippi Department of
                   planning, including both                                                 Transportation
                   redundancy in potential travel                                          North Central Planning and
                   routes and protection from                                               Development District
                   potential hazards and threats.

             SAP  PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES          Thriving      Mid       City of        Alternative Fuels Data
             10    Monitor opportunities to       Competitive    Term      Grenada          Center, U.S. Department of
                   transition City and County       Unified       (4-9       -------        Energy (tracking of
                   vehicles to alternative fuels and             years)    Grenada          Mississippi laws, regulations
                   technology as appropriate and                            County          and incentives related to
                   when cost-effective, and as an                                           alternative fuels and new
                   example for other area public                                            vehicle technologies*
                   agencies and private businesses                                         Delta Regional Authority
                   and organizations.                                                      Entergy
                                                                                           EV Mississippi, including its
                                                                                            interactive map of electric
                                                                                            vehicle charging locations in
                                                                                            Mississippi and other states*
                                                                                           Mississippi Department of
                                                                                            Transportation, including its
                                                                                            Electric Vehicle Charging
                                                                                            Infrastructure Program*
                                                                                           North Central Planning and
                                                                                            Development District
                                                                                           Tennessee Valley Authority

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