Page 72 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

            Strategic Action Priorities

                     A Strategic Action Priority is aimed at seizing a special opportunity or addressing a particular
                       challenge one faces, given limited resources – financial and otherwise – and recognizing
                       that a broader agenda of new or ongoing activities will also be pursued in the meantime.

                          ACTION                   Principles   Initiate     WHO                  Resources
             SAP  CAPITAL INVESTMENTS               Thriving     Near       City of        Mississippi Code relevant
             1     Through City and County capital   Appealing   Term      Grenada          provisions:
                   improvement planning           Competitive     (0-3       -------           Section 17-1-11
                   processes, continue to identify   Inclusive   years)    Grenada              regarding County
                   and plan for funding of highest-  Unified      and       County              authority for capital
                   priority road projects in new   Complete     Ongoing                         improvements planning
                   growth areas and in existing                                                Title 21, Municipalities;
                   developed areas with traffic                                                 Chapter 45, Tax
                   congestion and/or safety                                                     Increment Financing
                                                                                           Delta Regional Authority
                                                                                           Mississippi Department of
                                                                                           Mississippi Development
                                                                                            Authority (Community
                                                                                            Development Block Grants)
                                                                                           Mississippi Development
                                                                                            Bank (local government bond
                                                                                           North Central Planning and
                                                                                            Development District
             SAP  CAPITAL INVESTMENTS              Appealing     Near       City of        Mississippi Department of
             2     Ensure that pedestrian and     Competitive    Term      Grenada          Transportation
                   bicycle circulation needs are    Inclusive     (0-3       -------       Bike Walk Mississippi
                   considered in all area roadway   Complete     years)    Grenada          (
                   designs, including for new                     and       County
                   roads, widening or upgrades to               Ongoing
                   existing roads, street and
                   roadway resurfacing projects,
                   and traffic signal installation.

             Grenada County, MS                                                                                6
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