Page 90 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Key Issues and Considerations
Through the Grenada County Today and Plan
Direction phases of the comprehensive planning
effort, a set of 10 Top Strategic Priorities was
identified based on interactions with County and
City elected officials and other area leaders, input
from the Plan Advisory Committee, other results
from varied stakeholder engagement activities, and
the plan consultant’s own input. Recognizing that
Housing Supply and Options was the consensus
“Job 1” item facing Grenada County in the near
term, three other Strategic Priorities are most
relevant to this Economic Development portion of Bringing along local workforce and leaders.
the Grenada County 2040 Plan:
7. Next Generation of Leaders. Whether considering future needs in the private sector, in local government
and other public agencies, or in the non-profit arena, the Grenada County community must identify and
nurture its next generation of capable, committed and ethical leaders to seize the area’s opportunities
and craft solutions to the area’s challenges.
8. Technology Investment. Amid a global marketplace and intense interstate and in-state economic
competition, local industry must continue to embrace technological innovation and “big leaps,” with
support from government to ensure access to high-quality broadband and other data and
communications infrastructure. Likewise, local government, education and other institutions must
continue to apply technology effectively to improve their services to the community.
10. Get the Word Out. Grenada County must tell
its story of renewed growth and energy
more broadly and loudly. This is partly about
“proving up” the market and convincing both
internal audiences (e.g., appraisers) and
external observers (e.g., prospective
investors) that Grenada County has entered
on a new day. But it is also about raising the
County’s profile among key decision-makers
at the state level and elsewhere who
allocate substantial transportation,
infrastructure and public/higher education
funding, oversee highly-competitive grant
application processes that send amenity-
enriching funds to local communities, and Grenada's growth warrants more attention in Jackson.
otherwise determine where scarce public [IMAGE SOURCE:]
resources will be directed within Mississippi.
Grenada County, MS 4