Page 88 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 88

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan


            This Economic Development portion of the Grenada County 2040 Plan focuses on four key planning concerns:

                Areas where Grenada County can differentiate itself and leverage local advantages.
                Linkages to other plan sections in areas that influence or support economic development objectives (e.g.,
                 infrastructure  and  public  services,  transportation,  housing,  land  use,  education/training  resources,
                 recreation and amenities, community appearance, etc.).
                Decision guidance for the use of available economic development tools.

                Ways to measure progress on economic development objectives.
            Additionally, this section relates to the other Plan sections in these essential ways:

                  Growth Capacity as attracting and retaining a diverse set of businesses and employment opportunities
                  depends on having adequate infrastructure in place to support such private investment. The cycle then
                  continues,  as  public  investments  in  water  and  wastewater,  roads  and  other  infrastructure  creates  an
                  environment to attract more private investment which, in turn, creates more jobs, increases property
                  values and generates more tax revenue to support future public investments.
                  Housing and Development as preparing land for new development and increasing the amount of housing
                  provides an opportunity for new residents to move to the community, and for existing residents to move
                  into a new home. These residents then contribute to the local economy through their earnings, spending
                  and paying taxes, which supports ongoing public and private investment in the area to create additional
                  housing and development.
                  Transportation as establishing a robust network of roadways with appropriate capacity improves access
                  to  employment  opportunities,  educational  facilities,  shopping  and  restaurants,  and  recreational
                  amenities, all of which play an important role in Grenada County’s economy. Area businesses also depend
                  on a multi-modal transport system involving highways, rail and airport access.

                  Recreation  and  Amenities  as  providing  more  opportunities  within  Grenada  County  to  dine,  shop  and
                  spend leisure time keeps locally-earned dollars within the area, contributing to a robust local economy
                  that supports a variety of businesses and development opportunities, as well as the means for creating
                  new recreational offerings and adding more amenities.
            Well-constructed  economic  development  policies  and  programs  afford  local  governments  the  greatest
            opportunity to influence the quality, quantity and timing of development. Successful economic development
            also requires a focus on quality of place, as has become an increasing focus in Grenada County in recent years.

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