Page 207 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 207

Fiscal Impact Analysis
                                                                                         The City of Littleton, CO

               LEVELS OF SERVICE

               Cost projections are based on the “snapshot approach” in which it is assumed the current level of
               service, as funded in the City’s FY2019 budget, will continue through the projection period.  Current
               demand base data was used to calculate unit costs and service level thresholds.  Examples of demand
               base data include population, dwelling units, employment by industry type, and jobs. Note that the
               “snapshot” approach does not attempt to speculate about how levels of service, costs, revenues, and
               other factors will change over 20 years.  Instead, it evaluates the fiscal impact to the City as it currently
               conducts business under the present budget.

               The  service  level,  revenue,  and  cost  assumptions  utilized  in  this  analysis  are  based  on  on-site
               interviews and follow-up discussions with City staff; an analysis of the City of Littleton’s Fiscal Year
               2019 (“FY2019”) Budget; the 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; the Littleton Museum
               Strategic  Plan;  the  Parks,  Recreation,  and  Trail  Master  Plan;  the  2019  Facilities  Assessment;  the
               Littleton Housing Study; and other relevant documents. Additionally, our assumptions were informed
               by our fiscal experience conducting over 800 FIAs. We also coordinated with the other members of
               the consultant team.

               General items to note are as follows:

                   ▪  City  property  tax  is  modeled  based  on  the  cumulative  assessed  value  of  projected
                       development. We projected property tax revenue using the future mill levy 2.000 mills per
                       $1,000 of assessed value, rather than FY2019 mill levy of 6.662.
                   ▪  Impact fee revenue is modeled based on projected development under the land use scenarios
                       defined previously in this report.

                   ▪  We utilized population and jobs as the demand bases when calculating levels of service for
                       transportation  infrastructure.  Because  the  transportation  capital  costs  identified  in  the
                       Transportation  Master  Plan  (“TMP”)  are  necessary  to  attract  and  support  the  growth
                       projected in the Comprehensive Plan they align with Scenario 1: Trend (Residential Emphasis).
                       Note that Scenarios 2 and 3 differ from the trend scenario in their population and employment
                       projections; thus, the transportation capital costs projected in Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 differ
                       from the cost number identified in the TMP.
               Specific assumptions pertaining to any unique treatment of any other revenue and cost factors are
               discussed where relevant throughout the body of this report.

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