Page 45 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 45
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Additionally, this section relates to the other Plan sections in these essential ways:
Growth Capacity as additional housing and other types of non-residential development will place further
demands on the entire range of public infrastructure and services in Grenada County. Likewise,
maintaining water and wastewater systems, storm water management infrastructure, and electric and
gas utilities in good condition and with future capacity to spare will enable ongoing housing construction
and commercial, industrial and public development projects.
Transportation as new housing and
development in Grenada County will add to
the traffic load on existing roadways and
underscore the need for improvements in
particular locations, as well as additional
options in general getting from point A to
point B. Anticipating such needs and
establishing priorities for available funding
will be crucial to alleviating traffic
congestion, boosting safety for all road users,
and avoiding unreasonable increases in drive-
times for long-time and new Grenada County Build-to-rent housing is a growing nationwide trend,
residents. providing a new option for renters, with a single-family
housing appearance and on-site amenities for residents.
Economic Development as new housing and [IMAGE SOURCE: Howard Hughes Corporation]
development will bring more residents to the
area, not only to live, but to work, shop, dine, and enjoy their recreation and leisure time, spending
money locally and increasing the City and County tax bases. Increased economic activity and revenues will
provide additional funds to support public and private investment in the area which, in turn, can spur
more housing demand and complementary commercial growth.
Recreation and Amenities as additional housing construction will bring more residents to the area
looking for parks, trails and other local activities and amenities, especially for relocating families.
Increased use of existing recreation sites and amenities may lead to more frequent maintenance needs,
and eventually to a point where new and upgraded parks and recreation facilities must be prioritized
among other public investment needs.
Grenada County, MS 3