Page 46 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
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Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Housing needs, gaps and challenges are central to
any community-wide long-range plan. A key
component of an area’s livability is whether its
residents can find suitable and economical housing
options at all stages of life to remain in the
community they love. Grenada City and County also
must offer quality and sustainable neighborhoods,
the elements of which – safe streets, great schools,
nearby shopping, and parks and trails, among
others – cut across all parts of this Grenada County
2040 Plan.
While the development of new residences and the
rehabilitation of older housing occurs primarily
through the private sector, local government and
other public and non-profit partners have essential
roles to play. Local government and other partners
protect residential investments over time, and
strong neighborhoods support the local economy
and tax base. Having a diverse stock of housing –
new and old, big and small, ownership and rental –
is crucial for offering choice and providing for the
individual needs of all households, regardless of
economic conditions.
Beyond just housing considerations, this Plan is
intended to promote effective City and County
planning for future development and
redevelopment – and for ongoing stewardship of
areas intended to remain much as they are. Sound
land use and growth planning is essential to ensure All housing types are needed in Grenada County,
that local government is prepared to serve including preserving and reinvesting in older homes.
anticipated public infrastructure and service needs
and also to create and maintain a desired community character.
Key Issues and Considerations
Through the Grenada County Today and Plan Direction phases of the comprehensive planning effort, a set of 10
Top Strategic Priorities was identified based on interactions with County and City elected officials and other
area leaders, input from the Plan Advisory Committee, other results from varied stakeholder engagement
activities, and the plan consultant’s own input. Recognizing that Housing Supply and Options was the consensus
“Job 1” item facing Grenada County in the near term, three other Strategic Priorities are most relevant to this
Housing and Development portion of the Grenada County 2040 Plan:
1. Housing Supply and Options. Sheer quantity of housing, of varying types and at a range of price points, is
the lynchpin to Grenada County’s continued economic success and hopes of growing its residential
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