Page 74 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 74

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY                                 Coordination and Partnerships
           FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION                                 The    economic,    transportation,  and   natural

                                                                environment    linkages  between    Pottawatomie
           Key Issues and Considerations                        County and its neighboring counties, particularly

           Key   issues   and   considerations   related  to    Riley  County  and  the  City  of  Manhattan,  have
           economic opportunity were identified through the     strengthened  in  recent  decades.  The explosive
           Comprehensive Planning process. These essential      growth of the Green Valley area has made stark
           items should be addressed as the County’s guiding    the need for enhanced coordination and regional
           principles, goals and strategic action priorities for   pursuit of solutions. The Greater Manhattan
           the coming years are pursued.                        Economic Partnership has been a successful model
                                                                for regional coordination and communication.
           Infrastructure Needs and Land Availability           This level of coordination and partnership at the
                                                                economic development and chamber of commerce
           Discussions    with    economic      development
                                                                level has not necessarily extended at this point into
           professionals in the County revealed that existing
                                                                coordination between public and private entities
           barriers to additional investment within the County
                                                                or between governmental entities. Partners should
           include a dearth of shovel-ready land for growth
                                                                include not only governmental entities, but also
           industries such as manufacturing and light industrial.
                                                                employers and educational institutions such as KSU.
           The PCEDC’s existing industrial parks are located
                                                                The Knowledge Based Economic Development
           in Green Valley, Wamego, and St. Mary’s. The
                                                                (KBED) a partnership between seven entities from
           PCEDC uses public and private money to develop
                                                                K-State and the Manhattan community, including
           infrastructure in these parks, allowing them to be
                                                                the Kansas Department of Commerce, K-State
           sold to expanding or new commercial entities at an
                                                                Foundation, K-State Research Foundation, the
           affordable price. The Green Valley Industrial Park is
                                                                National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition
           fully developed and has no remaining sites available.
                                                                and  Commercialization, the North Central Kansas
           The St. Mary’s Sandy Hook Industrial Park will have
                                                                Community Network, the City of Manhattan and
           completed infrastructure development by the end of
                                                                the Manhattan Area Chamber is another potential
           2018 and has a few lots remaining to be filled. The
                                                                partner. KBED is working to support knowledge-
           Wamego Industrial Park has a limited number of sites
                                                                based companies in the region.
           remaining and several acres that need infrastructure.
           The PCEDC has expressed interest in expanding        Planning for the economic opportunities of the
           industrial parks in the Onaga area, the St. Mary’s   County should support the achievement of many
           area, the Wamego area, and other areas of growth.    of the other goals of the County and its residents,
           Limiting factors include the cost, availability and   including:
           suitability of land and the high cost of infrastructure,
           including storm drainage and roads.                     •  Developing a robust transportation network that
                                                                    serves the demands of resident and businesses
           Diversification Opportunities                            in an efficient and safe manner.

           The County economy has already diversified in many      •  Pursuing strategic partnerships both at the
           sectors in recent decades. Continued diversification     regional and local level.
           and strategic investments in growth industries,         •  Developing an identity for the County and
           such as manufacturing and currently under-tapped         increasing tourism that reinforces and supports
           industries, such as tourism, will help the County to     the identity, such as agritourism and eco-
           continue to grow its economic base. Diversification      tourism.
           will also help to ensure economic resiliency.

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                           The Future County    5  |  Economic Opportunity  |  67
                                                                                                               |  67

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