Page 76 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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other nonprofit groups);
             •  Providing job training, or establishing or
              supporting institutions that provide job training
              (e.g., community colleges and technical schools);
             •  Changing the tax structure to promote economic
              development; and
             •  Modifying  regulations  that  are  seen  as
              burdensome to business.


           PRIORITIES                                               Region Reimagined

             •  Continue active participation in the Greater        Our Blueprint for Prosperity is a new regional
              Manhattan Economic Partnership to advance,            economic development initiative that is launching
              secure, and execute initiatives aimed at improving    in early 2019. It is a collaboration between Geary,
              the quality of life and  economic well-being of       Pottawatomie, and Riley counties to encourage job
              residents within the County. PCEDC’s active           creation and economic development. The result will
              involvement  and  partnership  in  the  Greater       be a five-year plan for the tri-county area. Region
              Manhattan Economic Partnership provides an            Reimagined is being spearheaded by the business
              opportunity to increase the reach and breadth of      communities and recognizes the regional nature of
              PCEDC’s existing efforts, such as the marketing       economic development. PCEDC is participating in
              of industrial park sites on the Greater Manhattan     the initiative.
              Economic Partnership’s website.
                                                                           ›  Continue active participation in Region
                  ›  Increase communication at County level                 Re-imagined  efforts.  Involve  and  update
                   about participation in Greater Manhattan                 Board of County Commissioners on Region
                   Economic Partnership and benefits of this                Reimagined process and outcomes.
                   partnership, such as providing a link to the
                   Greater  Manhattan  Economic  Partnership
                   on the County website.
             •  Prioritize investment in infrastructure to support
              economic development. Identify areas in which
              County  infrastructure is currently limiting
              economic development. Work to secure funding
              for these infrastructure projects, whether
              through County funds, partnerships, or creation
              of special financing districts or development of
              impact fees.

                  ›  Pursue  infrastructure  impact  fee/funding
                  ›  Actively pursue partnerships work with local
                   jurisdictions as they make investments in
                   their  infrastructure  (such  as  roads,  storm

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           Adopted - August 19, 2019                           The Future County    5  |  Economic Opportunity  |  69
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