Page 80 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Kansas, use of E-commerce revolving loan attract new and expanding businesses to the
fund, and partnerships with KSU. area. Partner with existing and new external
› Pursue opportunities for a fabrication marketing efforts to promote Pottawatomie
laboratory or maker space within the County and its assets.
County. A fabrication laboratory, also known – Leverage regional marketing efforts
as a fab lab, is a small-scale workshop with and ensure messages are consistently
computer-controlled tools that can provide applied across jurisdictions.
personal digital fabrication.
– Coordinate branding efforts with
• Provide a range of affordable housing options ongoing Flint Hills regional branding
for a diverse and expanding workforce. efforts and other regional branding
› Ensure that zoning and development efforts.
regulations allow for a mix of housing types • Pursue development of first-time building
in appropriate locations throughout the codes for fast growing areas of the County, in
County. coordination and partnership with the City of
› Follow Future Land Use Map areas of growth Manhattan. Building codes will ensure a safe
and preservation, focus on expanding and consistent quality development within the
housing options within designated areas of fast growing areas of the County. Coordination
growth. with the City of Manhattan, which currently
has building codes, will help ensure regional
• Continue to support the tourism efforts of
consistency in application.
communities in Pottawatomie County. Seek
› Work with development community and
to generate increased awareness about
other stakeholders during building code
Pottawatomie County’s assets to prospective
generation and roll-out phases to ensure
businesses and employers.
awareness about the changes and how it
› Through programs such as E-Community will affect the development process.
loans and others, PCEDC should continue
to support agricultural tourism and • Coordinate the Comprehensive Plan and the
eco-tourism trends. PCEDC should build Green Valley Area Plan. During the course of
from the successes of current agricultural the Comprehensive Planning process, the
and eco-tourism support programs for importance of generating a neighborhood
those for Bluestem Orchards, Sugar Creek plan for the fast-growing Green Valley area
Country store, Blue Barn Farms, and became apparent. As the Green Valley area
the Highland Community College wine has experienced explosive grow it has become
program. The Open Space and Preservation apparent that the needs of the Green Valley area
section provides more in-depth strategies are more akin to a suburban area and the types
related to agricultural tourism and and level of service needed are beyond what the
eco-tourism. County has traditionally provided. The Green
› Increase marketing of Pottawatomie County, Valley Area Plan, which kicked-off in October
2018, will create a plan for the area to improve
in coordination with regional efforts, to
the quality of life and help determine a path
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Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County 5 | Economic Opportunity | 73