Page 77 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 77

drainage, etc.) to coordinate with potential     the County to discuss pursuit of priorities in a
                   expansions and investments of PCEDC,             collaborative manner.
                   particularly for industrial parks.                  ›  As will be discussed in the  Implementation
                  ›  Actively seek public/private partnerships to       section, continue to document and record
                   pursue expansion of industrial parks and             achievements based on specific indicators
                   infrastructure financing.                            and metrics.
             •  Utilize Comprehensive Plan to advance economic     •  Continue to recognize that the success of
              development priorities at a regional level. Upon      local communities is tied to the success of the
              completion of the plan, set-up meeting with           County. If the County’s cities are not thriving
              Greater Manhattan  Economic Partnership, Flint        then the County itself will not be able to thrive
              Hills Regional Council, and Flint Hills Economic      either. Onaga, Westmoreland, and St. Mary’s
              Development District (FHEDD) to discuss how to        have all either recently completed or are in the
              advance regional priorities and plug into existing    process of completing comprehensive plans for
              programs. Likewise, coordination meetings             their communities. The County should actively
              should be pursued with local jurisdictions within     participate in these planning processes as they
                                                                    occur,  to coordinate recommendations  such
        Source: Dr. Nesse worked with the Flint Hills Regional      as economic development, transportation, and
        Council and an advisory committee of elected officials and   land use that impact the County.
        representative of the 7-county region to craft the federally-re-
        quired Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.        •  Pursue adding a non-voting, ex officio member
                                                                    of  Staff  Liaison  to  the  Manhattan  Urban  Area
                                                                    Planning  Board  (MUAPB)  to  discuss  issues
                                                                    such as development in the Green Valley
                                                                    Area,  transportation, and  emergency  response
                                                                    coordination. Such a member would attend
                                                                    Pottawatomie County Planning Commission
                                                                    meetings as needed and report to the MUAPB
                                                                    following such meetings.

                                                                   •  Continue to support business  development
                                                                    activities to retain, expand and recruit businesses.
                                                                    PCEDC has a strong and vibrant business
                                                                    retention program. Business retention programs
                                                                    assist small businesses to prevent their relocation
                                                                    and to help them survive in difficult times.
                                                                    Retention programs typically involve partnerships
                                                                    among public and private organizations that
                                                                    assess the assets and opportunities of individual
                                                                    companies through periodic surveys, interviews,
                                                                    and  visitations. The  purpose  is  to establish
                                                                    relationships between community businesses
                                                                    and economic developers to strengthen existing
                                                                    companies, establish early warning systems to
                                                                    flag at-risk businesses that require assistance, and

           70  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019

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