Page 79 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 79
The tri-county Region Reimagined Plan, identifies the following target sectors. PCEDC has also completed
work on identifying target sectors for the County. Understanding target sectors can help to promote directly
to these sectors for future investment and relocation opportunities.
ensure that public programs meet local business are less likely to move elsewhere in response to
needs. Business retention initiatives usually incentives offered by others.
include a mechanism for linking expanding › Entrepreneurship development programs
businesses with public programs designed to provide potential entrepreneurs with the
mitigate growing pains and regulatory issues. capital, training, and technical assistance
› Establish a county-wide local business they need to start-up and grow their
network to capitalize on strategic growth business. Incubators are one of the many
and investment opportunities. initiatives used for entrepreneurship
• Continue to promote and sustain development, but programs also include
technical assistance, financing, legislation,
entrepreneurship. Encouraging entrepreneurs
marketing, accounting, and networking.
to start businesses gives people power over
their own lives and lets them build wealth in › Continue focus on small business
their own communities. Business owners who development and entrepreneurship of
also live in the community tend to spend more PCEDC, including working with Network
on local business services and keep more of
their earnings in the local economy. They also
have a vested interest in the community and
72 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019