Page 81 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 81

•  Develop design guidelines for strategic areas
              within the County. Design guidelines can help
              ensure a consistent development outcome by
              establishing predictability. Design guidelines can
              also  help  to reduce visual inconsistencies  and
              create an improved aesthetic experience.

                  ›  Explore with KDOT whether corridor design     The Green Valley Area Plan will:
                   standards could be established along the
                   U.S. Highway 24 corridor.                         •  Identify legal options for providing public
                                                                      services, infrastructure, and programs in the
             •  In  coordination with  PCEDC,  explore how  to        Green Valley Area
              advance the use of non-traditional economic
                                                                     •  Incorporation, annexation, and improvement
              development funding mechanisms to further the
                                                                      district options will all be examined
              acquisition  of  land  for  economic  development
              purposes such as the use of sales tax for              •  Examine potential for revisions to County’s
              economic development purposes such as occurs            zoning and subdivision regulations and/or
              in the State of Texas through the use of 4A and         development policies, benefit districts, and
              4B funds (refer to sidebar on page 75). Some            impact fee
              non-traditional funding sources may require            •  Identify the level of services needed (and
              changes at the State level.                             wanted) by residents and report to the Board
                                                                      of County Commissioners on options, public
             •  Actively pursue opportunities for research
                                                                      costs, and how those costs would be borne
              facilities and partnerships with KSU in advance
              of the NBAF arrival. Coordinate regionally to          •  Examine ways to mitigate current and future
              determine timing and needs and most likely              land use conflicts in and around Green Valley
              types of development that could be supported           •  Develop specific recommendations to help
              by Pottawatomie County. As economic growth              ensure existing and planned infrastructure
              resulting directing from NBAF is not a guarantee,       meets needs in a manner that is sustainable
              investments should be made in components and           •  Create an implementation strategy
              strategies that are not dependent on the success
                                                                     •  Consider ways to facilitate future commercial
              and arrival of NBAF.
                                                                      growth while avoiding a retail strip effect
                  ›  Examine and identify land that may be
                   suitable for agricultural research or an          •  Identify measures to ensure that the area can
                   agricultural innovation corridor, potentially      provide a mix of housing and support services
                   the Highway 13 corridor.                          •  Consider zoning and rezoning strategies,
                                                                      right-of-way preservation strategy, and
                  ›  Participate  on  the  NBAF  Task  Force,
                                                                      transportation system
                   Community Liaison Group and Knowledge
                   Based Economic Development initiative to          •  Determine priorities for enhancing County
                   stay abreast of ongoing preparations and           public facilities and enhancing coordination
                   efforts to develop supporting economic             of service providers
                   initiatives.                                      •  Identify strategies for preserving Special
                  ›  Review the NBAF and Innovation District          Floodway Overflow Area and integrating
                   recommendations  in  the  Community                natural features into development
                   and Economic Development Strategy

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