Page 78 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 78
Programmatic and locational criteria for light industrial/ business park development include the following
• Encourage the formation of new unified business implementation costs, and minimizes risk (e.g.,
park corridors or the development of individual a proposed access road or interchange may not
parcels as part of business parks by focusing new be constructed when planned).
growth in a more clustered pattern, as opposed • Ensure adequate truck loading and maneuvering
to isolated parcels along strips of non-residential areas within a building or in a side or rear yard,
land uses lining thoroughfares. in such a way that all storage, standing and
• Sufficient acreage, either on one parcel or maneuvering of trucks will take place solely on
through assembling multiple parcels, to ensure private property and is well-screened from all
that current and future expansion needs are public thoroughfares.
satisfied. The estimated size of park should be 50 • Light industrial land uses and industrial parks
to 250 acres. shall be located near roadways with adequate
• Configuration: Square or rectangular sites are access provided by thoroughfares. Access to rail
preferred as they offer the greatest flexibility and is desirable where possible.
satisfy most uses. • Sufficient street frontage to accommodate
• Shovel-ready sites: In-place infrastructure structures, parking, and access while in character
(e.g., utilities, accessibility, rail, etc.) increases with adjacent non-industrial properties.
speed-to-market, decreases construction /
Source: Pottawatomie County, KS Economic
Development Corporation Industrial Parks.
Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County 5 | Economic Opportunity | 71
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