Page 75 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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The Economic Opportunities Framework for Action and tell its story even more widely to support
is organized in three tiers: (1) Guiding Principles, employer and employee attraction/retention
(2) Goals, and (3) Strategic Action Priorities. These and tourism.
topics are intended to coordinate with and support 4. Reinforce Pottawatomie County’s rural identity
the other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. The while also highlighting its proximity and links
Strategic Action Priorities convey tangible actions to Manhattan and other area communities and
that will, over time, achieve the Goals of this chapter attractions.
in line with the Guiding Principles.
5. Actively pursue partnerships for potential future
NBAF facilities/investments as well as other
GUIDING PRINCIPLES potential growth industries in collaboration with
Knowledge Based Economic Development.
The Comprehensive Plan includes a set of four
6. Ensure the necessary infrastructure is available to
overall guiding principles, two of which relate most
meet demand for retail as well as growth sectors
directly to economic opportunity.
such as manufacturing and light industry.
GP2— Pottawatomie County will be
Even though county government cannot affect all the
COLLABORATIVE in its approach to big
factors important to economic development, it can
picture issues, including infrastructure,
have a significant impact through both its traditional
transportation, emergency management,
role as public service provider and regulator, and its
and economic issues, forming partnerships
entrepreneurial role as a deal maker and business
and actively participating and having a voice
recruiter. Of these two roles, the former is essential;
in regional decision-making.
government must provide quality basic services and
GP4— Pottawatomie County will be an efficient regulatory environment if it wishes to
ADAPTABLE as it plans for its future by create economic development. Providing further
continuing to build on its historic industries, incentives to businesses is optional—whether it
including farming and ranching, while makes sense depends on what government can
investing in elements that will make the reasonably offer, the extent to which such offerings
County stronger and resilient to economic are necessary to attract business, and the cost of
trends and other changes. those offerings.
Local government involvement in economic
GOALS development can take several forms, including:
• Clearing and assembling adequate land for
1. Continue to utilize Work Key and the Work business (zoning, remediation and abatement,
Ready Initiative to enhance workforce supply and similar devices);
and capabilities to meet the needs of current and • Underwriting risk (industrial development bonds,
prospective employers and area industries.
tax abatement, low interest loan programs);
2. Enable a balanced, diversified and resilient • Providing amenities and infrastructure
economy to ensure desirable local employment (construction of utilities, tax increment financing);
opportunities, strengthen the county’s tax base, • Promoting economic development (participation
and sustain quality of life.
in chambers of commerce, economic
3. Celebrate Pottawatomie County’s special history development organizations, trade missions,
68 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019