Page 220 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 220
Fiscal Impact Analysis
The City of Littleton, CO
▪ The City of Littleton’s impact fee methodology should be revisited to ensure transportation
impact fees can support transportation infrastructure needs, as well as other infrastructure
• The City’s current impact fee structure does not account for differences in land use beyond
residential / nonresidential categories; however, distinct housing typologies (i.e., Attached
vs. Single Family Detached) and different commercial land uses (i.e. Retail vs. Office) place
varying degrees of demand transportation infrastructure. This presents the potential for
the City to explore more comprehensive impact fee pricing in order to ensure that funding
for capital improvements keeps pace with development.
Additionally, it should be noted that an FIA, while projecting specific capital facilities, is different from
a facility plan. Particularly, the results presented in this report reflect needs due to new growth only
and are projected based on current levels of service. This may be different from a facility plan where
needs may be due to existing deficiencies, different policies, demographic shifts, technological
changes, etc.
It is also important to acknowledge that fiscal issues are only one aspect in evaluating development
and growth trends. Environmental, land use, housing, jobs/housing balance, transportation, and other
issues should also be taken into consideration when determining what is best for the City.