Page 227 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 227

Fiscal Impact Analysis
                                                                                         The City of Littleton, CO

               FIGURE 21: BASE YEAR INPUT DATA
                Population [1]             ARCO POP                           46,300
                                           JEFFCO POP                          2,743
                                           DOUGCO POP                           600
                                           POPULATION                         49,643

                                           JOBS                               30,221
                                           POP AND JOBS                       79,864
                Housing Units by Type [1]  SFD UNITS                          10,531
                                           ATTACHED UNITS                     10,531
                                           MOBILE HOMES                         457
                                           TOTAL UNITS                        21,519
                Jobs by Type [2]           RETAIL JOBS                         6,376
                                           OFFICE/INSTITUTIONAL JOBS          16,262
                                           INDUSTRIAL JOBS                     7,436
                                           LODGING JOBS                         147
                                           TOTAL JOBS                         30,221
                Nonresidential Floor Area [1]  RETAIL SF                    2,411,675
                                           OFFICE/INSTITUTIONAL SF          2,483,842
                                           INDUSTRIAL SF                    2,719,867
                                           LODGING SF                        252,856
                                           TOTAL NR SF                      7,868,239
                Vehicle Trips [3]          RESIDENTIAL TRIPS                 103,050
                                           NONRES TRIPS                       57,214
                                           VEHICLE TRIPS                     160,264
                Facility Factors           SSPRD ACRES                          330
                                         [5] GROUNDS MAINTAINED ACRES            75
                                         [4] PARK ACRES                         405

                                         [4] OPEN SPACE & GREENBELT             919
                                        [13] TRAILS                              51
                                         [6] LANE MILES                         352
                                         [7] FACILITY SF                     282,113
                                        [10] FLEET VEHICLES                     271
                Public Safety Factors    [6] PATROL OFFICERS                     34
                                         [8] TOTAL POLICE CALLS               52,000
                                        [10] POLICE VEHICLES                     71
                Public Welfare Factors  [12] OMNIBUS TRIPS                    11,900
                                        [12] SHOPPING CART RIDERS              7,900
                Fiscal Factors          [11] CUMUL AV                    $848,758,867
                                        [14] TOTAL VEHICLES                   35,398
                                         [9] CITY FTES                          278
                                        [11[ RETAIL SALES                $993,168,267
                [1] Kendig Keast; City of Littleton; TischlerBise
                [2] City of Littleton; TischlerBise
                [3] ITE; TischlerBise
                [4] 2016 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
                [5] City of Littleton Public Works Staff - email.
                [6] City of Littleton FY2019 Budget; Public Works Department Staff interview
                [7] City of Littlenton Facility Assessment and Capital Plan, January 2019.
                [8] City of Littleton Police Department - email
                [9] City of Littleton HR Department; FY2019 Budget
                [10] City of Littleton Equipment Master List By Department
                [11] 2018 CAFR, pg. 111
                [12] City of Littleton FY2019 Budget
                [13] Transportation Existing Data Book (HDR)
                [14] U.S. Census Bureau, 2013-2017 ACS 5-Yr Estimates

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