Page 228 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 228
Fiscal Impact Analysis
The City of Littleton, CO
Vehicle trips are used to project some operating and capital expenditures in the FIA. Average Weekday
Vehicle Trip Ends by type of development (or trip generation rates) are from the reference book, Trip
Generation, 10 Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (“ITE”) in 2017. A
“trip end” represents a vehicle either entering or exiting a development (as if a traffic counter were
placed across a driveway). Trip rates have been adjusted to avoid overestimating the number of actual
trips because one vehicle trip is counted in the trip rates of both the origination and destination
points. A simple factor of 50 percent has been applied to Residential and the Office and Industrial
categories. The Retail category has a trip factor of less than 50 percent because retail development
attracts vehicles as they pass-by on arterial and collector roads. For example, when someone stops at
a convenience store on their way home from work, the convenience store is not their primary
Trip rates and adjustment factors are shown in Figure 22.